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泰國現貨 | New Phuwin Nanon - DOG’S EYE VIEW POSTCARD BY TAY TAWAN 【商品內容】 【單獨 Postcard Set】 可選: New/Nanon 售完:Phuwin 【Boxset 套裝】 - 每份套裝均會獲得由New/Phuwin/Nanon拍下的Tay明信片(隨機1款共3款) 🔸🔸🔸 Deadline|截止 : 現貨售完即止 While Stocks Last Earliest Delivery 預計最早發貨:到貨後 7 -14日 ■ 歡迎團購/合單|Group order is available. DM for details 凡購買 10 本以上,可領取團購優惠,歡迎粉絲和各大Fansclub查詢 🔸🔸🔸 ✨The product content is for reference only, and subject to the actual official sales situation. 商品內容僅供參考,一切以官方銷售實際情況作準。✨ ✨代購價格已包含泰國-香港路段國際郵費,香港本地可順豐到付,或到葵廣/旺角中心格仔鋪領取 ✨信用卡/八達通/ AlipayHK/WechatPay/Tap&Go/PayMe/ApplePay/GooglePay/Paypal/FPS/銀行轉帳✨ 🟠🟠🟠 ⚠️代購溫馨提示⚠️ 由於匯率浮動,價格有機會有所更改,敬請注意 購買前請閱讀網站置頂之「退貨及退款政策」
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【單獨 Postcard Set】

1) Phuwin(SOLD OUT)

These 20 photos of Phuwin were shot by Tay Tawan in Paris, France. (20 to represent Tay Tawan’s birthdate) This set includes:

  • 13 postcards of Phuwin’s portraits
  • 1 postcard of a non-portrait photo
  • 1 postcard of Phuwin from a different perspective at the same location and time
  • 4 postcards with Tay’s anecdotes about the photos or from the day the photos were taken
  • 1 postcard of a non-portrait photo with Tay’s message to the fans and his digital autograph

2) Nanon 

These 20 photos of Nanon Korapat were shot by Tay Tawan in England. (20 to represent Tay Tawan’s birthdate) This set includes:

  • 9 postcards of Nanon’s portraits
  • 1 postcard of a non-portrait photo
  • 5 postcards of Nanon from a different perspective at the same location and time
  • 4 postcards with Tay’s anecdotes about the photos or from the day the photos were taken
  • 1 postcard of a non-portrait photo with Tay’s message to the fans and his digital autograph


These 20 photos of New Thitipoom were shot by Tay Tawan in Belgium and the Netherlands. (20 to represent Tay Tawan’s birthdate) This set includes:

  • 6 postcards of New’s portraits
  • 1 postcard of a non-portrait photo
  • 8 postcards of New from a different perspective at the same location and time
  • 4 postcards with Tay’s anecdotes about the photos or from the day the photos were taken
  • 1 postcard of a non-portrait photo with Tay’s message to the fans and his digital autograph



【BOXSET 全套套裝】

Dog’s Eye View Postcard Boxset by Tay Tawan is a special project by Tay Tawan thinking of himself as a dog following and capturing New Thitipoom, Phuwin, and Nanon Korapat as cats through the lens of his favorite camera. This is a collectible-worthy set of photos every fan.


Included in the BOXSET :

1. New | Dog’s eye view Postcard set By Tay Tawan

2. Phuwin | Dog’s eye view Postcard set By Tay Tawan

3. Nanon | Dog’s eye view Postcard set By Tay Tawan

Packaged in a specially designed box featuring a photo of Tay Tawan.

Exclusive! Get one postcard of Tay Tawan’s photo shot by either New, Phuwin, or Nanon. (Random between 3 photos.)

A part of the proceeds from this collection will be donated in the name of Tay Tawan, New Thitipoom, Phuwin, Nanon Korapat, and GMMTV, to the Foundation for the Blind under the Royal Patronage of Her Majesty the Queen and to Home for Handicapped Animal Foundation.





