泰國現貨(下單後14-21天到港) | OffGun - DVD Boxset The Trainee 官方周邊 GMMTV



泰國現貨 | OffGun - DVD Boxset The Trainee DVD Boxset GMMTV官方周邊 這套 DVD 套裝包含了《The Trainee》中每個最喜歡的場景和記憶、未經剪輯的版本,以及獨家幕後花絮和收藏性極高的周邊。 【Boxset內容物】 1️⃣ 1 個外盒 (19.5 x 27.9 cm) 2️⃣ 7張 DVD: 完整收錄7集連英文字幕,1支原聲音樂影片MV,獨家幕後花絮及被刪減場景 3️⃣ 1本100頁寫真集 (18.3 x 26.7 cm) 4️⃣ 3 張特別Photocards, 其中 1張帶有 Off & Gun的印簽 (18.3 x 26.7 cm) 5️⃣ 12 張明信片 (4 x 6”) 6️⃣ 3張特別Photocard (5.5 x 8.5 cm) 7️⃣ 1張照片串 (2 x 6”) 8️⃣ 1張劇集中的ID卡 (8.5 x 5.5 cm) 🔸🔸🔸 Deadline 截止:泰國現貨,售完即止 while stocks last Earliest Delivery 預計最早發貨:視乎GMM發貨速度,14-21 days 天 🔸🔸🔸 ✨The product content is for reference only, and subject to the actual official sales situation. 商品內容僅供參考,一切以官方銷售實際情況作準。✨ ✨代購價格已包含泰國-香港路段國際郵費,香港本地可順豐到付,或到觀塘店/葵廣格仔鋪領取 ✨信用卡/八達通/AlipayHK/WechatPay/Tap&Go/PayMe/FPS/銀行轉帳✨ 🟠🟠🟠 ⚠️代購溫馨提示⚠️ 由於匯率浮動,價格有機會有所更改,敬請注意 購買前請閱讀網站置頂之「退貨及退款政策」
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This romantic comedy tells the story of the lives of the trainees at goodpick Production House. Ryan (Gun Atthaphan) is an economics student looking for a company to intern at, but faces the problem of not knowing what he actually wants to do with his future or even what he likes. Things are more complicated when he gets Jane (Off Jumpol), the super serious assistant director at this production house, as his mentor. Jane is known for his perfectionism and sharp tongue that scares everyone in the company. This puts Ryan and his friends to the test every single day of the traineeship, which ends up making them grow as people and even giving their hearts something to look forward to. Every favorite scene and memory from the series is now compiled uncut with behind-the-scenes moments in this DVD BOXSET that comes with exclusive gifts, worthy of your collection.


Included in the BOXSET

  • 1 BOXSET (19.5 x 27.9 cm)
  • 7 DVDs: Complete 12 episodes (with English subtitles) and 1 music video of the soundtrack, plus behind the scenes
  • 1 Photobook: 100 pages (18.3 x 26.7 cm)
  • 3 Photocards of the series poster with Off and Gun’s autographs on one photocard (18.3 x 26.7 cm)
  • 12 Postcards (4 x 6”)
  • 3 Special photocards (5.5 x 8.5 cm)
  • 1 Photostrip (2 x 6”)
  • 1 ID card (8.5 x 5.5 cm)
