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預購 | GeminiFourth - LOOK KHUNNOO Doll Keychain

HKD 235.00

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19 days : 0 hrs : 47 mins : 12 secs

Pre-order finished: 2025-03-15 10:00

Perkiraan tanggal pengiriman: 2025-03-15



預購 | GeminiFourth - LOOK KHUNNOO DOLL KEYCHAIN | GMM官方周邊 【商品介紹】 Look Khunnoo is the cartoon character that Gemini and Fourth designed to represent their fans by mixing elements of both into the doll, naming it Look Khunnoo. This "Look Khunnoo" doll keychain comes with a Lion hoodie that can be taken on and off. It fits lovingly on anything and looks adorable anywhere. Comes with an ID card with Gemini’s and Fourth’s autographs. 【商品規格】 Doll size: 12cm 【款式為預購款,約三月中旬/下旬出貨 】 【awaiting stock】 the orders from now will be shipped out from late February 2025 onwards. 🔸🔸🔸 Deadline|截止 : Until Out of Stock 售完即止 Earliest Delivery 預計最早發貨:Mid March 3月中旬 ■ 歡迎團購/合單|Group order is available. DM for details 凡購買 10 件/本 以上,可領取團購優惠,歡迎粉絲和各大Fansclub查詢 🔸🔸🔸 ✨The product content is for reference only, and subject to the actual official sales situation. 📍商品內容僅供參考,一切以官方銷售實際情況作準。 ✨代購價格已包含泰國-香港路段國際郵費,香港本地可順豐到付,或到葵廣/旺角中心格仔鋪領取 ✨信用卡/八達通/ AlipayHK/WechatPay/Tap&Go/PayMe/ApplePay/GooglePay/Paypal/FPS/銀行轉帳✨ 🟠🟠🟠 ⚠️代購溫馨提示⚠️ 由於匯率浮動,價格有機會有所更改,敬請注意 購買前請閱讀網站置頂之「退貨及退款政策」
客人提交訂單後,視為知悉海關抽查之可能情況並同意政策。 海關抽查檢驗時,包裝會因海關打開而有機會出現破損,本店不會為海關檢查造成的各種情況與問題負責,敬請諒解。 預售產品及代購訂單不接受任何因素退款或退貨,為保障雙方,開箱前可全程開始拍影片檢視貨品狀況。 由於泰國運輸及包裝容易破損,難以避免出現產品存在人為無法干預的細微瑕疵情況。因此,本店所有代購商品均為出廠即存在瑕疵。所有商品如有輕微刮痕、輕微折角、輕微氣泡等不影響閱讀和觀感的問題均未能提供售後處理,拍下即同意本條說明。如對瑕疵介意的粉絲,請在下單之前慎重考慮,敬請留意。 美妝/保養產品由於衛生問題,開封後不接受任何退換或退款。 Disclaimer: If the posting content infringes or violates your copyrights, please contact us immediately. 本公司並沒有持有任何品牌之版權,所有商標及版權均屬該品牌持有人,圖片及資料轉載只作分享用途,敬請留意。

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送貨政策:我們的目標是按照您在訂單中要求的收貨地點以及在您的訂單結帳時我們指定的運送日期(在訂單確認中更新)將產品運送給您;如果我們預計無法在預計的運送日期送貨,我們將嘗試通知您。但是,在法律允許的範圍內,任何由於延遲運送而對您造成的任何損失、責任、成本、損害、收費或費用,我們不承擔任何責任。 ⚠️ No refund and return of product 所有貨品不作退款、退換。 All items sold are non-refundable and non-returnable after the completion of payment procedures. Customers must verify all the information, including product, specification, quantity, and price carefully before placing order. ⚠️ Some of the products may be opened by The Customs and Excise Department for checking. 部分商品會被海關部門打開檢查而拆開包裝。 By submitting and/or confirming an order, you mean that you understand and accept the company's shopping terms and conditions. 一旦提交訂單或確認訂單,視作客人已知悉和接受本店所有條款與細則。 Product Information Our shop will try our best to ensure the correctness of the product images, the accuracy of the data and the true colors of the products, but we cannot guarantee the above, and reserve the right to change the above information without prior notice. The selling price of all goods or product packaging is subject to the order confirmation before delivery. Since the products sold in this shop are imported with original packaging, all their packaging retains the original local packaging, including labels and product descriptions. Placing Order You are willing to abide by the relevant shopping rules and freight collection mechanism of this site. There is a gap between the time when the customer places an order and the time when the system accepts the order, so when the customer places the order, the system shows that it is still in stock, but when the system accepts the order, there may be no stock. If the goods you bought are out of stock before the system accepts your order, we will notify you as soon as possible. If any goods are sold out, our shop will not give advance notice. In case of the above situation, our shop will notify you by email. Cancel Order After placing the order, the customer cannot change the content of the order, so the customer must make sure that all the information is correct before placing the order. Once an order is placed, we cannot change or cancel it. Payment methods Please pay within 5 days from the order date. The customer is responsible for keeping any form of receipt and/or record as proof of payment. After confirming the payment, we will deliver the goods as soon as possible. Goods Delivery Our company reserves the right to charge additional fees to customers in the following circumstances: unforeseen circumstances (changes of the weight and volume of the product), a single order has more than one delivery destination; due to incomplete delivery, wrong delivery address, or no one to receive or pick up the goods at the specified address or time Incur additional fees. Disclaimer Our company will not take any responsibility for any problems caused by incorrect or improper use of the product; our company reserves the right to modify and revise the price, delivery charges and online shopping terms and conditions from time to time without prior notice; if there is any For disputes, Yasin Development Company reserves the right of final decision.

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