
預購|PerthSanta - Perfect 10 liners 睡衣 頭箍 Pajamas & Hairband Official Merchandise GMMTV官方周邊




預購|ForceBook PerthSanta JuniorMark - Perfect 10 liners 睡衣 頭箍 Pajamas & Hairband Official Merchandise GMMTV官方周邊 【商品選擇 Items】 1️⃣ Yotha Pajamas (Freesize) 睡衣 ■ Shirt: Chest 胸圍 48 inches / 衣長Length 29 inches ■ Pants: Waist 腰圍 28–40 inches / 臀圍 Hips 42 inches / 褲長 Length 39 inches 2️⃣Beagle Hairband 頭箍 髮箍 ■ Hairband size 13.5 x 12.5 cm, soft EF and Angora fabric fleece, lightweight *產品說明可拉倒最低詳情欄查看 *Scroll down for each item 's details 🔸🔸🔸 Deadline|截止 : 11/01/2025 18:00 Earliest Delivery 預計最早發貨:三月下旬 Late March 2025 Pre-orders open now until January 12, 2025. All orders will be shipped sequentially starting from mid February. ■ 歡迎團購/合單|Group order is available. DM for details 凡購買 10 本以上,可領取團購優惠,歡迎粉絲和各大Fansclub查詢 🔸🔸🔸 ✨The product content is for reference only, and subject to the actual official sales situation. 商品內容僅供參考,一切以官方銷售實際情況作準。✨ ✨代購價格已包含泰國-香港路段國際郵費,香港本地可順豐到付,或到葵廣/旺角中心格仔鋪領取 ✨信用卡/八達通/ AlipayHK/WechatPay/Tap&Go/PayMe/ApplePay/GooglePay/Paypal/FPS/銀行轉帳✨ 🟠🟠🟠 ⚠️代購溫馨提示⚠️ 由於匯率浮動,價格有機會有所更改,敬請注意 購買前請閱讀網站置頂之「退貨及退款政策」
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Animal print pajamas – a welcome gift from Arm to Yotha to the Perfect 10 Liners. Despite Arm’s personality being the complete opposite of Yotha’s, and the pajamas not seeming like Yotha’s style, he surprisingly loves wearing them every day! Even his roommate, Gunyukhol, can’t help but smile whenever he sees Yotha in them. As featured in the series Perfect 10 Liners. Special Bonus: A 5x7-inch postcard of Perth as Santa!



A hairband with beagle ears that Gun has to wear for his faculty’s stage play. It makes him look even more like a beagle, a nickname Yotha gives to him for his beagle resemblance. This adorable item becomes Yotha’s favorite to put on Gun whenever he gets the chance. As featured in the series Perfect 10 Liners. Special Bonus: A 5.5 x 8.5 cm photocard of Perth as Santa!

