條款與細則 Terms & Conditions

1. 服務 1.1. 歡迎光臨 InnerjoyThailand by YASIN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY(以下簡稱「我們」或「本網站」或 「Innerjoy」)。我們的網站透過互聯網提供線上購物模式,並提供代購服務和明星應援代辦服務(「服務」)。 1.2. 閣下使用本網站前請仔細閱讀本條款。閣下使用本網站或其中任何部分,即代表閣下同意受下列條款及細則所約束。我們可能不時更新此張貼以修訂本條款及細則。經修訂的條款將於張貼日起生效。 1.3. 我們保留一切權利,可不時更改本條款及細則,而無需作出任何事前通知。修改後的條款及細則由發佈日開始生效。閣下持續使用我們的網站及我們的服務,即視為閣下同意接受本條款及細則的最新版本。 2. 註冊 2.1. 閣下須於使用服務或作出訂購時向我們註冊。透過註冊,即表示閣下聲明(而我們有權據此依賴有關聲明)閣下年滿18歲或以上,並有構成具法律約束力合約的能力。 2.2. 閣下向我們聲明,閣下透過我們的網站所作出的所有訂購將於閣下訂立合約的權力範圍內進行。 2.3. 鑒於閣下使用我們的服務,閣下同意: 2.3.1. 於填寫訂單資料時提供有關閣下的真實、準確、最新及完整的資料;及 2.3.2. 保持及即時更新閣下的註冊資料以確保有關資料真實、準確、最新及完整。 如我們有合理理由懷疑任何資料屬不實、不準確、並非最新或不完整,我們有權暫停或終止閣下的訂單。 3. 訂購 3.1. 除非另有明確註明,否則我們並非商品的賣家或供應商。我們負責管理網站、安排訂單、處理訂單等服務,完成提供閣下透過我們的網站訂購的該些商品之過程。 3.2. 當閣下作出訂購時,即表示閣下按商品的指定價格向供應商購買該等商品。閣下一旦提交,則不得取消有關訂單,即使我們仍未接納或拒絕閣下的訂單。 3.3. 我們將以電郵形式確認我們已收到閣下的訂單。該確認電郵將提供: 3.3.1. 閣下的訂購詳情; 3.3.2. 所收取的價格詳情; 3.3.3. 閣下的訂單跟進資料,及 3.3.4. 預計發送及交付的資料。 此通訊將表示我們代表供應商接納閣下的訂單。閣下可於網上追蹤閣下的訂單狀況。 3.4. 我們所接納閣下的訂單將只會涵蓋該確認所指的商品,而未必涵蓋閣下所訂購的所有商品。如屬此情況,則當我們就閣下訂單的其餘商品進一步發出接納確認時,閣下就該訂單部分所作出的訂購方獲接納。 3.5. 商品的存貨供應於網上顯示,但不應被依賴作為閣下有意購買的商品是否確實有存貨的確切聲明。 3.6. 我們保留權利可全權酌情就任何理由不接納或取消訂單,包括但不限於: 3.6.1. 閣下所訂購的貨物並無足夠的存貨; 3.6.2. 閣下所訂購的一件或多件商品所標示的價格因人為或電腦錯誤或所提供的定價資料因匯率浮動更改而出錯。 3.7. 如我們取消閣下的訂單,我們將以電郵方式通知閣下,並將盡快於閣下訂單起計三十(30)日退回我們於閣下所使用支付平台扣減的實際金額。閣下接納我們毋須就閣下的不滿而作出任何賠償。 4. 價格與付款 4.1. 本網站保留權利於任何時間更改網上購物的付款方式而不作另行通知。 4.2. 在本網站上展示的產品及價格僅供參考,以實際交易時的更改或變更為準。 4.3. 我們使用第三方付款服務以進行網上交易。當閣下作出訂購時,閣下同意及接納,受其條款及細則所限,閣下的信用卡資料將會被付款服務供應商收集、處理及保留。閣下同意及接納,閣下單獨及獨自承擔閣下於進行信用卡交易時所招致或產生的任何損失,且我們於任何情況下均毋須承擔任何有關全部或部分損失。 4.4. 如商品的價格於我們擬接納閣下訂單時高於閣下作出訂購時的價格,則我們將: 4.4.1. 取消閣下的訂單,或 4.4.2. 聯絡閣下,以諮詢閣下是否有意支付較高價格或取消閣下的訂單。 4.4.3. 如我們取消訂單,而閣下已作出任何付款,則我們將向閣下退回我們於閣下支付平台及銀行轉賬所扣減的實際金額。閣下同意及接納我們毋須就閣下的不滿而作出任何賠償。 5. 發貨 5.1. 我們會將閣下訂購的產品透過我們的職員或第三方送遞閣下所提供的送貨地址。當產品送遞至閣下所提供的送貨地址,商品被視為交付予閣下及由閣下接收。因應個別情況,我們會將送貨物品置於門外或大堂管理處(閣下須就該等送貨自行承擔送遞產品在任何情況下遺失之風險)。倘閣下因任何原因而未能接收產品,閣下同意及接受我們有權選擇向閣下收取包括但不限於因超時、未領取貨品等被第三方追收之相關送貨及派貨費用。 5.2. 我們大部分貨品都沒有現貨,我們會在收到閣下的付款後開始為閣下服務,商品發售情況視乎供應商安排。 5.3. 有關發送商品的任何時間及日期,或送貨所需的時間僅為估計。若我們未能符合任何訂明的發送或送貨日期或時間,我們將通知閣下有關閣下訂單的進度。閣下同意及接受於任何情況下我們均不會接受取消訂單或向閣下退款。 5.4. 付款及下訂單後,送貨地址或選擇之送貨時段如有任何變更,請閣下即時通知我們,以便安排。 5.5. 當閣下所購產品已送交閣下,閣下將成為產品的擁有人。當產品已送交閣下,閣下將自行承擔持有產品的風險而我們將無須為它們的損失或損壞負責。 5.6. 有關送貨的詳細資料請參考本網站的「送貨方式」頁面。 6. 更換、退貨與退款 6.1. 有關退款及退貨詳細說明請參考本網站的「退貨及退款政策」頁面。 6.2. 閣下承認並接受已確認的訂單將無法取消或變更,為已確認訂單所支付的款項亦不設退款。 6.3. 除另有規定外,我們概不接受退貨或更換貨物。請閣下於訂購前細閱本網站的退貨 或更換政策。 6.4. 倘閣下訂購的商品有缺漏或損壞(並非閣下的錯失),或商品並非閣下所訂購,或交付 的數量不正確,可於收貨日期的七(7)天內退貨或更換,惟需: 6.4.1. 退貨或更換政策適用; 6.4.2. 商品未經使用並處於原先出售的狀態,連同與貨物提供的所有零件及配件,包括說明書、證書、標籤、標記、消耗品、袋及盒; 6.4.3. 商品的包裝必須處於交付予閣下時的狀態 6.5. 閣下同意及接受,是否接受商品更換須視乎存貨供應。 6.6. 閣下同意及接受,是否被接受退回或更換商品屬本網站全權酌情決定。於任何情況下我們均不會接受直接向我們退貨,或為閣下因任何原因招致的損害負責。 7. 免責聲明 7.1. 我們並不聲明或保證進入我們的網站(包括使用手機應用程式或軟件)或其任何部份將不受阻擾、可靠或並無故障。 7.2. 我們並不聲明或保證: 7.2.1. 任何服務(不論是否由我們提供)將以適當謹慎及技巧提供;或 7.2.2. 任何商品(不論是否由我們提供)將具備可商售品質或將適合任何用途(儘管已事先將該用途通知我們)。 7.3. 閣下同意概無互聯網上的數據傳輸可保證為完全安全。儘管我們致力保護該資料,我們不保證且無法確保閣下傳輸給我們的資料的安全。閣下向我們傳輸任何資料須 自行承擔風險 7.4. 於法例許可的範圍下,我們排除因以下原因對閣下的所有責任(不論於合約、侵權或其他形式出現及不論是否因我們的疏忽): 7.4.1. 就我們的網站或其中的任何資料或相關的任何技術性、事實、文本或印刷上的不準確、錯誤或遺漏; 7.4.2. 未能提供我們的網站(或其任何部份)、商品或服務; 7.4.3. 任何延遲提供,或未能提供或使商品或服務可取用,或任何對商品或服務的疏忽提供; 7.4.4. 任何商品不具備可商售品質或適合其預期用途。 7.5. 除法例規定以外: 7.5.1. 我們將不就任何間接或相應而生的損失、損害或費用向閣下負責,包括由任何閣下知會我們的問題而引起的利潤、業務或商譽的損失,及 7.5.2. 我們將無責任以賠償方式向閣下支付任何款項,除非於此等條款及細則另有訂明。 7.5.3. 閣下必須遵守及符合所有適用規例及法例,包括取得所有從我們的網站購買商品所需的海關、進口或其他許可。我們不就閣下購買的商品的出口或進口作任何陳述或承擔任何責任。 8. 保證 8.1. 閣下聲明、保證及承諾,閣下不會: 8.1.1. 使用我們的網站作任何欺詐或非法用途; 8.1.2. 使用我們的網站誹謗、辱駡、騷擾、跟蹤、威脅或侵犯其他人士的權利(包括但不限於其他人士的私隱權或宣傳權); 8.1.3. 阻礙或干擾我們的網站運作或我們網站所用的伺服器或網絡;或違反有關網絡的任何規定、程序、政策或法規; 8.1.4. 對我們的網站傳送或發放任何有害或侵入性或可能或擬損害任何硬件、軟件或設備運作或監察任何硬件、軟件或設備使用的病毒、蠕蟲、特洛伊木馬程式或其他電腦編碼; 8.1.5. 未經我們同意底下就任何商業用途而轉載、複製、出售、轉售或利用我們網站的任何部分、或其使用或連接; 8.1.6. 對我們網站的任何部分進行修訂、改編、翻譯、反向工程、反編譯或反彙編; 8.1.7. 未經我們的事先書面同意下建構或複製網站的任何部分; 8.1.8. 以有組織地下載及儲存內容、用戶內容或任何網站內容的方式建立數據庫; 8.1.9. 侵犯商品的任何版權、設計權及知識產權權利。 9. 終止 9.1. 倘閣下違反任何條款及細則,我們或會立即終止閣下進入我們的網站或註冊。 9.2. 任何一方於終止日期前所已產生的任何權利於終止後將仍可强制執行。 10. 知識產權 10.1. 本網站中所有商標、產品名稱及公司名稱或標誌為本網站的財產或其各自擁有人的財產。我們並無就使用任何該等商標、外觀、產品名稱、公司名稱、標誌或稱號給予批准,而該等使用或會構成侵犯持有人的權利。 11. 一般事項 11.1. 我們保留權利以隨時於沒有通知的情況下修改網站的內容(包括我們所提供的服務)及此等條款及細則。倘此等條款及細則有所更改,將於網站公佈,而於任何有關更改後仍繼續使用我們的網站即表示閣下同意受經修訂的使用條款及細則所約束。此權利包括更改任何組成此等條款及細則一部分的文件的權利。如有任何爭議,本網站的決定為最終的決定。 11.2. 倘若本條款及條件有英文譯本,如中、英文本之文義有異,應以英文本為準。 11.3. 我們高度重視私隱問題。我們的私隱政策涵蓋我們使用閣下提供的任何資料。使用我們的服務,即代表閣下同意我們可根據我們的私隱政策收集、儲存及使用有關閣下的資料。 閣下確認及同意受我們的私隱政策條款所約束。 11.4. 我們保留權利可全權酌情拒絕用戶進入我們的網站或其任何部分,而毋須作出通知,並可拒絕向任何違反此等條款及細則的用戶提供我們的服務。 11.5. 如未經我們的書面同意,閣下不得轉讓或以其他方式處理此等條款及細則規定的全部或部分閣下權利及義務。 11.6. 此等條款及細則載列各方的完整協定及諒解,並取代所有有關此等條款及細則的標的事項的先前口頭或書面協定、諒解或安排。任何一方均無權依賴此等條款及細則並無載列的任何協定、諒解或安排。 11.7. 此等條款及細則受香港生效的法律管轄。閣下同意受香港法院的專有管轄權管轄。倘若本協議中任何部份在法律上不能執行,則該部份會於法律容許的最大可能範圍內生效,而其他部份則維持完全效力及作用。 11.8. 由於閣下使用或被指稱使用本網站或本網站內容或因閣下違反本協議所引起的任何索償、訴訟或索求,包括但不限於合理法律及會計費用,閣下同意代我們抗辯,向我們賠償及使我們、我們的董事與職員免於損害。 11.9. 如有需要,我們會根據香港法例要求徵收每個$1的塑膠購物袋費用。 11.10. 使用在本網頁購買的產品前,請小心閱讀由製造商或原材料賣家提供在產品上或包裝內的產品資料、用法及注意事項,我們並不會對這些製造商或原材料賣家提供資料的準確性,對某特定用途之適用性,品質及可靠性負上任何責任,故在使用之前最好仔細分析這些資料。 11.11. 我們保證已盡最大的努力顯示產品的真實面貌及顏色,但我們不能保證閣下的電腦或器材能夠準確顯示出來。 12. 促銷與優惠碼 12.1. 我們提供的促銷代碼或優惠只適用於透過我們網站一次性的購物,並受條款及細則所約束。 12.2. 促銷代碼或優惠券既不退款,也不能兌換現金。任何剩餘未使用的金額將被作廢。 12.3. 我們保留終止或更改上述優惠的權利。如有任何爭議,我們的決定將是最終及具決定性。 我們保留一切權利,可於任何時間及不時終止或更改上述優惠,而無需作出通知。如有任何 爭議,我們的決定將是最終及具決定性。 此等條款及細則構成條款及細則的組成部分。
Terms & Conditions 1. Services 1.1 We are InnerjoyThailand by YASIN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (collectively "we", the "Company" or "Innerjoy") and we own and operate the site. Our site facilitates a convenient way to shop online and to enjoy watching entertainment content round-the-clock over the Internet, including by using our applications or software (“services”). 1.2 By using our site you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully. 1.3 We reserve the right to make changes to these terms and conditions from time to time without providing any prior notification. The amended terms and conditions are effective from the date they are published on our site. Your continued access and use of our site and our services shall represent your unconditional acceptance of the latest version of the terms and conditions. 2. Registration 2.1 You are required to register with us when you use the services or place an order. By registering you are making a statement, upon which we are entitled to rely, that you are aged 18 years or above and capable of forming a legally binding contract. 2.2 You represent to us and to all suppliers of the merchandise through our site that all purchases made by you through our site will be within the scope of your authority to conclude contracts. 2.3 In consideration of your use of our services, you agree to: 2.3.1 provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself when filling out our registration form; and 2.3.2 maintain and promptly update your registration information to keep it true, accurate, current and complete. If we have reasonable grounds to suspect that any information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, we have the right to suspend or terminate your registration. 3. Order 3.1 Except where otherwise explicitly specified, we are not the seller or supplier of the merchandise. We are responsible for managing and administering the site, arranging order processing and where applicable, fulfillment for the merchandise you ordered from the suppliers through our site. 3.2 When you place an order you are making an offer to buy from the supplier the merchandise you have specified at the price stated for those merchandise. You cannot cancel an order once it has been submitted, even if our acceptance or rejection of your order is still pending. 3.3 We will acknowledge your order to confirm that we have received your order by email. The confirmation will provide: 3.3.1 details of what you have ordered, 3.3.2 details of the price charged, 3.3.3 information about the progress of your order, and 3.3.4 estimated dispatch and delivery information. This communication will be our acceptance of your order on behalf of the supplier. You may track your order status online. 3.4 Our acceptance of your order will only cover the merchandise mentioned in it and may not cover all the merchandise you ordered. If this is the case, then the order you made for the remaining merchandise will only be accepted when we send a further acceptance of that part of your order. 3.5 The availability of the merchandise is as shown online and will be updated regularly by the supplier. They should not be relied on as definite statements as to whether the merchandise you wish to purchase are actually in stock. 3.6 We reserve our right not to accept or cancel an order for any reasons at our sole discretion, including without limitation: 3.6.1 no sufficient stock to deliver the merchandise you have ordered; 3.6.2 one or more of the merchandise you ordered was listed at an incorrect price due to a human or computer error or an error in the pricing information provided by the supplier. 3.7 If we cancel your order we will notify you by email and will credit to your account any sum deducted by us as soon as possible but in any event within thirty (30) days of your order. You accept that we will not be obliged to offer any compensation for disappointment suffered. 4. Price and Payment 4.1 We reserve the right of changing the methods of payment without notice. 4.2 We will use all reasonable commercial endeavors to display accurate and up to date prices on our site. However, because prices of the type of merchandise for sale are often updated by some circumstances including currency exchange rate. We cannot state the definite price until we send you our acceptance of your order. 4.3 We use third party payment services to process online transactions. When you place an order, you agree and accept that your credit card information will be collected, processed, and kept by us and a payment service provider subject to its terms and conditions. You agree and accept that you are solely and exclusively responsible for any losses incurred or sustained by you in making credit card transactions, and in no event shall any such losses in whole or in part be borne by us. 4.4 If the price of the merchandise is higher at the time we are ready to send our acceptance of your order to what it was at the time you placed your order then we will either: 4.4.1 cancel your order, or 4.4.2 contact you to ask you whether you wish to pay the higher price or cancel your order. 5. Delivery 5.1 We will deliver the merchandise ordered by you to the address you give us for delivery at the time you make your order through our staff or a third party provider. You agree to present your photo identification upon request when you acknowledge receipt of the merchandise. The merchandise shall be, and shall be deemed to be, delivered and accepted by you when the merchandise are delivered to the address you give us for delivery. You agree and accept that we are entitled, at our option, to charge you additional costs or cancel your order without any refund or compensation to you in the event of your failure to accept delivery for whatever reasons. 5.2 Our product are mainly pre-order. We will start service after receiving your payment. Product availability is subject to supplier arrangements. 5.3 Any times and dates given for dispatch of merchandise, or the length of time that merchandise will take to be delivered, are only estimates. If we are unable to meet any stated dispatch or delivery dates or times we will inform you as to the progress of your order. You agree and accept that under no circumstances will we accept cancellation of order or refund. 5.4 If there are any changes to the delivery address, please inform us immediately for arrangement. 5.5 Products are owned by you when it delivered to you. Once the products are delivered to you, you will hold the products at your own risk. We will not be responsible for any loss or damage. 5.6 Please refer to the page of Delivery for the delivery details. 6. Returns, Exchanges and Refund 6.1 Please refer to the page of Return & Refund Policy for the Return & Refund information. 6.2 Unless otherwise specified, no return or exchange of merchandise will be accepted. Please read the returns or exchanges policy as specified by the supplier carefully before you place an order. 6.3 Subject to the returns or exchanges policy of individual supplier, merchandise may be returned or exchanged within seven (7) days of receipt if the merchandise you ordered are faulty, defective or damaged (with no fault on your part), or the merchandise are not what you ordered, or the delivery is of an incorrect quantity, provided that: 6.3.1 the returns or exchanges policy applies; 6.3.2 the merchandise is unused and in the condition originally sold together with all parts and accessories which are provided with the merchandise including manuals, certificates, labels, tags, consumables, bags, and boxes; 6.3.3 the packaging of the merchandise must be in the condition in which it was delivered to you. 6.4 You agree and accept that merchandise is acceptable for exchange subject to stocks availability. 6.5 You agree and accept that it will be at the supplier’s sole discretion whether the merchandise is accepted for return or exchange. Under no circumstances will we accept the return of any merchandise directly to us or be held liable for your damages for whatever reasons. 7. Violation of rules and regulations 7.1 We do not represent or warrant that access to our site (including using our applications or software), or any part of it, will be uninterrupted, reliable or fault-free. 7.2 We do not represent or warrant to you that our site or any of its contents (including the product filters and the results obtained from the use of product filters) will be accurate, complete or reliable. You agree that the product filters are for your reference only. 7.3 We do not represent or warrant that: 7.3.1 any services (whether or not provided by us) will be provided with due care and skill; or 7.3.2 any merchandise (whether or not provided by us) will be of merchantable quality or will be fit for any purpose (even if that purpose has been previously notified to us). 7.4 You agree that no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as totally secure. Whilst we strive to protect such information, we do not warrant and cannot ensure the security of any information which you transmit to us. Any information which you transmit to us is transmitted at your own risk. 7.5 To the extent permitted by law, we exclude all liability (whether arising in contract, tort or otherwise and whether or not due to our negligence) which we may otherwise have to you as a result of: 7.5.1 Any technical, factual, textual or typographical inaccuracies, errors or omissions on or relating to our site (including using our applications or software) or any information on our site; 7.5.2 the unavailability of our site (or any part of it), merchandise or services; 7.5.3 any delay in providing, or failure to provide or make available, merchandise or services, or any negligent provision of merchandise or services; 7.5.4 any merchandise not being of merchantable quality or fit for their intended purpose; or 7.5.5 any misrepresentation on or relating to our site, the merchandise or the services. 7.6 Save as required by law: 7.6.1 we will not be liable to you for any indirect or consequential loss, damage or expenses, including loss of profits, business or goodwill, arising out of any problem you notify to us, and 7.6.2 we will have no liability to pay any money to you by way of compensation except otherwise specified in these terms and conditions. 7.7 You must observe and comply with all applicable regulations and legislation, including obtaining all necessary customs, import or other permits to purchase merchandise from our site. We make no representation and accept no liability in respect of the export or import of the merchandise you purchase. 7.8 You agree that each of these limitations is reasonable having regard to the nature of our site and in particular given that when you purchase merchandise through our site you will enter into a separate contract with the supplier in each case. 7.9 None of the above exclusions shall affect any statutory rights which are not capable of being excluded. However, in such case our obligation, where permitted by law, will be limited to the resupply of our services or the merchandise to you. 7.10 Each of the above exclusions or limitations shall be construed as a separate, and severable, provision of these terms and conditions. 8. Warranties 8.1 You represent, warrant and covenant that you will not: 8.1.1 use our site for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose; 8.1.2 use our site to defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the rights of others, including without limitation others' privacy rights or rights of publicity; 8.1.3 interfere with or disrupt the operation of our site or the servers or networks used to make our site available; or violate any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of such networks; 8.1.4 transmit or otherwise make available in connection with our site any virus, worm, Trojan horse or other computer code that is harmful or invasive or may or is intended to damage the operation of, or to monitor the use of, any hardware, software, or equipment; 8.1.5 reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or otherwise exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion of, use of, or access to our site (including our applications or software); 8.1.6 modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any portion of our site (including our applications or software); 8.1.7 frame or mirror any part of the site without our express prior written consent; 8.1.8 create a database by systematically downloading and storing the Content, User Content or any site content; and 8.1.9 infringe any copyright, design right and intellectual property right in the merchandise. 9. Termination 9.1 We may terminate your access to our site or registration immediately if you are in breach of any of these terms and conditions. 9.2 Any rights that have accrued to either party at the date of termination will remain enforceable after termination. 10. Intellectual Property 10.1 All intellectual property rights in the Content, User Content, design, text, graphics and other material on our site and the selection or arrangement thereof are owned, controlled or licensed by or to us. Any authorised used without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. 10.2 All trade marks, product names and company names or logos used in our site are our property or that of their respective owners. No permission is given by us in respect of the use of any such trade marks, get-up, product names, company names, logos or titles and such use may constitute an infringement of the holder's rights. 11. General 11.1 Where in these terms representations and warranties are made to us and to suppliers of merchandise through our site, you acknowledge and agree that such representations and warranties are intended to grant rights to, and operate for the benefit of, all such suppliers and that each such supplier may rely upon and enforce such representations and warranties against you. 11.2 We reserve the right at any time without notice to revise the content of our site (including the services offered by us) and these terms and conditions. Any changes to these terms and conditions will be posted on our site and by continuing to use our site following any such change you will signify that you agree to be bound by the revised terms and conditions of use. This right includes the right to change any of the documentation which forms part of these terms and conditions. 11.3 We have made every effort to make clear whether the quoted prices for merchandise available through our site include any relevant tax or duty. Where in any case it is not clear please note before you make an order that you might be required to bear a liability to tax or duty (for example value added tax) imposed by the supplier or by operation of law that is in addition to the price. 11.4 We take privacy issues seriously. Our privacy policy covers our use of any information you provide. In using our services, you agree that we may collect, store, and use information about you in accordance with our privacy policy. You acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms of our privacy policy. 11.5 We reserve the right at our sole discretion to deny users access to our site or any part of our site without notice and to decline to provide our services to any user that is in breach of these terms and conditions. 11.6 We shall not be liable to you for any breach of these terms and conditions of use or any failure to provide or delay in providing our services through our site resulting from any event or circumstance beyond our reasonable control. 11.7 If any clause hereof is held invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or operation of any other clause and such invalid clause shall be deemed to be severed from these terms and conditions. 11.8 We may assign these terms and conditions or appoint any third party, including our group companies, to provide the services to you on our behalf or to perform any of our obligations under these terms and conditions. 11.9 You shall not assign or otherwise deal with its rights and obligations under these terms and conditions, whether in whole or in part without our written consent. 11.10 These terms and conditions set forth the entire agreement and understanding of the parties and supersede all prior oral or written agreements, understandings or arrangements relating to the subject matter of these terms and conditions. Neither party shall be entitled to rely on any agreement, understanding or arrangement that is not expressly set forth in these terms and conditions. 11.11 These terms and conditions are governed by the laws in force in Hong Kong. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of Hong Kong courts. 11.12 We may charge in accordance with the Environmental Levy Scheme for packing if necessary. 11.13 Please read all information, warranties or warnings provided by the manufacturer owners of the products on or in the product packaging and labels before using any product. We are not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the manufacturer owners or raw material sellers. 11.14 We make all reasonable efforts to accurately display the attributes of our products, including the applicable colors; however, the actual color you see will depend on your computer system, and we cannot guarantee that your computer will accurately display the applicable colors. 12. Promotion 12.1 Promotion codes, coupon codes and coupons offered by us shall only be applicable for one-off purchase at our site subject to special terms and conditions. 12.2 Promotion codes, coupon codes and coupons are neither refundable nor redeemable for cash. Any unused amount will be forfeited. 12.3 If your order is cancelled for whatever reason or is eligible for a refund, any promotion codes, coupon codes or coupons used in that order shall be forfeited without any refund or compensation. We reserve the right to terminate or vary the above offers from time to time without providing any prior notification. In the event of any dispute, our decision shall be final and conclusive. These terms and conditions form the integral part of the General Terms and Conditions.